
Palatinate Forest

The Palatinate Forest is the biggest coherent forest in middle Europe; it is a biospehere reserve.

Speyer Cathedral

The Speyer Cathedral is the biggest romanuesque church worldwide; its foundation stone was laid in 1030. It is the resting place of 7 salian emperors.


The Palatinate Forest hides over 50 castles and ruins that were mostly destroyed in the War of the Grand Alliance, for example:

Castle Trifels - Castle where Richard Lionheart of England was held as a hostage and the place where the imperial regalia was stored

Limburg Abbey – a ruined abbey near Bad Dürkheim

Castle Lindenbrunn

Castle Berwartstein

German Wine Route

The German Wine Route is the oldest wine route worldwide; it runs through the biggest winegrowing area in Germany, the Palatinate. The western side is protected by the Palatinate Forest, on the eastern side lies the Rhine rift.